

The Mongol people are not Hindus. They won’t observe Hindu festival nor they believe in castism.Nepal must not be made Hindu Kingdom. This country must be a secular state like India.

This is a political organization of 80% indigenous Mongol people of Nepal. It was founded by Mr. Gopal Gurung on 1st January 1989 while he was in jail imprisoned by the defunct autocratic Panchayat Government on ground of having written a book named Hidden Facts in Nepalese Politic in Nepali i.e.”Nepali Rajniti Ma Adekha Sachai “He was freed after suffering three years in jail; soon after the collapse of Panchayat System. Had the then despotic survived, Mr.Gurung would have already been tortured to death without trail .Many organizations including PEN ,London, Press Foundation of Asia,Manila,Amnesty International ,Denmark on Human Rights had raised voices against the prosecution of Mr,Gurung.The only fault he had committed was written the afore said book. This book was first published in 1985 .Second edition was published in 1988 and the third one in 1993.

This book has opened our eyes since we were completely unknown to the facts that these Bahuns and Chhetris who are ruling over us were once refugees here in our land, At that time our agrarian forefathers had kindly given them shelters .But in course of time these cunning people deftly exploited our ancestors and occupied our lands. Now they are masters and we are made like refugees.

To add to our misfortune Junga Bahadur rana(Kunwar) after the Kot Arsenal massacre of 1846 A.D. came to power as Shree Teen Maharaja and the Prime Minister and vigorously suppressed Buddhists and Christians who with shrewd advice of Bahuns introduced Hindu law of castism in Nepal for the first time. This Hindu Law divided the Hill Population into four segregated social divisions in which these Bahuns played a vital role of Superior status even the king ,whereas the Chhetris made secondary status .The Indigenous Mongol people were kept at the lowest rank and even denied them right to live as human beings in their own land .As consequences we the indigenous Mongol people ethnically ,Rais ,Limbus,Newars,Tamangs,Gurungs,Magars,Dhimal,Sherpas,Sunuwars,Tharus,koches,etc, still have to live in the condition of abject poverties  and ignorance.

After the downfall of rana regime in 1950 these Bahuns got hold on Government machinery. During 30 years long despotic Panchayat rule these Bahuns and Chhetris begged(as it was natural for them )the friendly countries for financial helps in the name of development of country .Many friendly countries also complying with the request sympathetically poured financial aids to Nepal .But more than sixty percent aids swallowed by the Chhetri and the Bahun authorities and so now these people are in the richest in the country.

Many friendly countries had offered stipends and other monetary helps for higher education abroad for all the Nepalese students , finding this opportunity but these Bahuns and Chhetries sent their own men and relatives only abroad for higher studies leaving other Mongol people in the dark. So you can find now almost all of the doctors ,engineers and so on are Bahuns and Chhetries only. They earned such diplomas, degrees without spending a single penny or rather they saved money from the stipends granted by the friendly countries during their study period .And now you see 98 percent of the government services ,diplomatic services, military services, police services and corporations are occupied by these Bahuns and Chhetris.

Present Constitution is made by Bahuns and Chhetris representatives sent by the Congress, Communist and Palace. So it is not better than the Panchayat constitution .Nepal is still a Hindu Kingdom .King is Hindu Aryan’s king. So he is the king of minority Hindus only. There are 80% non-Hindu Mongols in Nepal and they are indigenous people of this soil .Situation of Nepal is like that of South Africa and Mr.Gopal Gurung is just like Nelson Mandela of Nepal.

Not only foreigners but also many Nepalese do not know the real meaning of Janjati. Janjati are neither ethnic people nor indigenous .Janjati in real sense means nomad or gypsy .They are called Kusunda in Nepal .Janjati is a Hindi (Hindu) word .Janjati is the lowest grade of Hindu sub-caste .Janjati .Janjati does not mean ADIBASI .Adhibasi means ethnic. In real sense Janjati will have no country and they are not the citizen of any country. Bahuns,Chhetris as well as Janjatis are Indian Origin of Nepalese.

Founder president of Mongol national Organization .Mr. Gopal gurung demands presidential system, secular country, Mongol Ministry in the government, Provincial government, Autonomous government Department to the Muslims people ,Christian community and untouchable society ,Para military instead of military and police and fully fledged human rights and democracy.

In the conclusion, we Mongol people under the banner of Mongol National National Organization, unitedly stand against such exploitation by these intriguers and demand our shares of portfolios in the machinery of all fields .We are preparing to get our shares trough the ballot, and peace means and if it is made impossible by the minority power we will prepare to take step by force also. That will be the only alternative way.

Long live –MNO-DGG

Gopal Gurung  will live forever!

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